Previous consultations

Title Status
Fifth Senedd Legacy - Culture, Welsh Language and CommunicationsCompleted
Review of the Determination for the Sixth SeneddCompleted
Consultation on Code of Conduct and Associated ProceduresCompleted
Remote Working: Implications for WalesCompleted
Barriers to the successful Implementation of the Well-Being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015Completed
Welsh Government Draft Budget Proposals 2021-22Completed
Inquiry into Air QualityCompleted
Welsh Government Draft Budget 2021-22Completed
Legislative Consent Memorandum for the Medicines and Medical Devices BillCompleted
Curriculum and Assessment (Wales) BillCompleted
Inquiry into the implementation of the Wales Act 2014 and operation of the Fiscal FrameworkCompleted
Exiting the European Union: Preparedness in Wales for the end of the transition periodCompleted
Consultation on the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak on the agriculture and fisheries sectors, food supply, animal welfare, climate change and the environmentCompleted
Inquiry into the COVID-19 outbreak and its impact on culture, creative industries, heritage, communications and sportCompleted
Impacts of COVID-19: Economy, Infrastructure and Skills Committee - Open Call for evidence and experiencesCompleted
Inquiry into COVID-19 and its impact on matters relating to the Equality, Local Government and Communities Committee’s remitCompleted
Scrutiny of Covid-19 and its impact on children and young people (including students in further and higher education)Completed
Inquiry into the impact of the Covid-19 outbreak, and its management, on health and social care in WalesCompleted
Bus Services (Wales) BillCompleted
Electing a more diverse SeneddCompleted
Making Justice work in WalesCompleted
Valleys TaskforceCompleted
Hospital discharge processesCompleted
Capacity of the SeneddCompleted
Renting Homes (Amendment) (Wales) BillCompleted
Consultation on draft Determination for the Sixth AssemblyCompleted