Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Senedd

Contact: Abigail Phillips  Deputy Clerk: Sarita Marshall


Senedd.TV: View the webcast

Expected timing No. Item


Election of Temporary Chair


The Clerk called for nominations for a temporary Chair, in accordance with Standing Order 17.22.


Russell George nominated Joyce Watson, and this was seconded by Kirsty Williams. There were no other nominations. Joyce Watson was elected as Chair.



Introduction, apologies and substitutions


Apologies had been received from William Powell and Bethan Jenkins. Kirsty Williams was substituting for William Powell and Simon Thomas was substituting for Bethan Jenkins.


09:00 - 09:10


P-03-238 Pollution of the Burry Inlet - Discussion of Evidence Received

Supporting documents:


Joyce Watson declared an interest as the petitioner is a member of her support staff.

The Committee agreed to produce a short report on the subject and request a Plenary debate.

09:10 - 09:20


P-04-341 Waste and Incineration - Discussion of Evidence Received

Supporting documents:


The Committee agreed to defer this item until it has heard evidence from Professor Vyvyan Howard on 29 May.

09:20 - 09:30


P-03-295 Kyle Beere - Paediatric Neuro Rehabilitation - Discussion of Evidence Received

Supporting documents:


The Committee agreed to refer this petition to the Health and Social Care Committee and then close it.

09:30 - 09:40


New petitions


P-04-389 Arts, Agriculture and the Assembly Sheep

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered this petition for the first time and agreed to write to the Presiding Officer seeking her views on the subject.



P-04-390 Designate Penrhos Holyhead Nature reserve (coastal park) a National reserve

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered this petition for the first time and agreed to:

Write to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development to seek his views on the subject, and

Write to Isle of Anglesey County Council to seek its views on the subject.



P-04-391 Llandeilo By-pass

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered this petition for the first time and agreed to write to the Minister for Local Government and Communities to seek his views on the subject.



P-04-392 Community Transport Petition

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered this petition for the first time and agreed to:

Group this petition with another petition received on community transport;

Draw the attention of the Minister for Local Government and Communities to the strength of feeling on this subject, as he is currently considering the issue of community transport.


09:40 - 11:00


Updates to previous petitions


P-04-355 Cymru not Wales

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence in relation to this issue. Given that the First Minister and Presiding Officer have stated that they do not intend to use ‘Cymru’ instead of ‘Wales’, the Committee agreed to close the petition.



P-04-379 Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence in relation to this issue. Given this correspondence and the fact that individual Members can table a Member-led debate on the issue if they so wish, the Committee agreed to write to the AMs who signed the Statement of Opinion on this subject and to close the petition.



P-03-271 Business Rates in Narberth

Supporting documents:


P-03-286 Ceredigion Business Rates

Supporting documents:


Following the publication of the Enterprise and Business Committee’s report on town centre regeneration, which included consideration of these petitions, the Committee agreed to:

Make the Chair of the working group currently reviewing business rates in Wales aware of the petitions; and

Close the petitions.



P-03-307 Design for Innovation in Wales

Supporting documents:


Given that the Government is currently consulting on an innovation strategy for Wales, the Committee agreed to forward the petition to the Government’s consultation and close the petition.



P-04-364 Fibre Optic for Rural Areas

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence in relation to this issue and agreed to write to the Minister requesting a timeline for the roll-out of next generation broadband to all residential and business premises by 2015, specifically those in rural areas.



P-03-315 New Dyfi River Crossing Petition

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence in relation to this issue and agreed to:

Write to the petitioners, urging them to participate in the public consultation, which will take place during the autumn of 2013; and

Keep the petition open until the results of that consultation are known.



P-03-309 Cardiff Against the Incinerator

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence in relation to this issue and agreed to write to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development to examine whether the planning process for the incinerator has been correctly followed.



P-04-343 Prevent the destruction of amenities on common land

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence in relation to this issue and agreed to write to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development to ask whether the work carried out on Marian Common was, or should have been, subject to a screening direction under the Environmental Impact Assessment (Uncultivated Land and Semi-Natural Areas) (Wales) Regulations 2007 or any other relevant regulations.



P-04-344 Freshwater East Public Sewer

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence in relation to this issue and agreed to await the outcome of the Environment Agency Wales survey to be carried out in May/June 2012.



P-04-374 All dogs to be kept on leads at all times in public places

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence in relation to this issue. Given the Minister’s correspondence, the Committee agreed to close the petition.



P-04-378 Extend the Gower Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence in relation to this issue. The Committee agreed to write to the Countryside Council for Wales requesting that consideration of the extension of the Gower AONB is given priority at the earliest convenience.



P-04-383 Against NVZ Designation for Llangorse Lake

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence in relation to this issue and agreed to await the publication of the Minister’s decision on which areas will be designated nitrate vulnerable zones.



P-04-346 Free Childcare for 3-4 Year Olds in Wales

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence in relation to this issue and agreed to invite the Minister and the WLGA to give oral evidence on how early years education provision takes account of the needs of working parents.  



P-04-376 Reorganise Education in Powys

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence in relation to this issue and agreed to defer consideration of the petition until it has received further information from Kirsty Williams AM.



P-03-294 Wales Women's National Coalition

Supporting documents:


Joyce Watson declared an interest in that she used to run the Wales Women’s Coalition.

The Committee considered correspondence in relation to this issue and agreed to forward the statement made by the Minister for Finance and Leader of House on the Welsh Government Equality Objectives and Strategic Equality Plan.



P-03-085 Surgeries in Flintshire

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence in relation to this issue and agreed to write to the Minister for Health and Social Services to urge her to actively support negotiations between the parties, given the indication from Mark Isherwood AM that the situation is becoming ‘clinically unsafe’. 



P-04-342 MS Nurses

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence relating to this issue and, given the petitioners’ comments that they are satisfied by the Minister’s assurances, agreed to close the petition.



P-04-362 Ambulance Services in Monmouth

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence relating to this issue.  The Committee agreed to refer the petition and supporting evidence to the Auditor General for Wales and to defer consideration of the petition until the AGW has completed his work on unscheduled care services.



P-04-367 Save our Hospital Services

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on this issue and agreed to:

Group further petitions on this issue for consideration;

Write to Hywel Dda Health Board to make it aware of the strength of feeling on the subject; and

Make petitioners aware of the consultation being undertaken by Hywel Dda Health Board.



P-04-368 Promote Physical Activity and Health in Further Education Colleges

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on this issue and, given the Minister’s response, agreed to:

Forward the consultation responses received on the subject for consideration by the officials tasked with extending the Welsh Network of Health School Schemes into colleges; and

Close the petition.



P-04-375 Stop Opt-Out Organ Donation

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on this issue and agreed to:

Write to the petitioner outlining the fact that the legislation is to be published in draft form and that there will be an opportunity to comment on it at that point;

Ask the petitioner whether she is content for the petition to now be closed.



P-03-197 Save the Vulcan

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence on this issue and agreed to:

Write to the developer concerned and to St Fagans National History Museum to confirm the current situation; and

Close the petition once this has been confirmed.



P-04-381 Restoration for North Wales Hospital

Supporting documents:


The Committee considered correspondence relating to this issue.

Given the Minister’s response, the Committee agreed to write to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development regarding the protection of bats on the site.



Papers to Note


P-03-170 To increase the number of people with a learning disability employed by the public sector in Wales

Supporting documents:


View the meeting transcript.