
Election of the Deputy Presiding Officer - Fourth Assembly

This page shows the decisions made by any committees looking at the matter. This might include agreeing the Terms of Reference for the inquiry or deciding to hold a public consultation on the matter.

11/05/2011 - Election of the Deputy Presiding Officer under Standing Order 6

The Presiding Officer invited nominations in accordance with Standing Order 6.6.


Jocelyn Davies proposed the nomination of William Graham.
Peter Black seconded the nomination.


Simon Thomas proposed the nomination of David Melding.
Christine Chapman seconded the nomination.


As there were two nominations, a secret ballot took place in accordance with Standing Order 6.8.


The results of the secret ballot were as follows:


William Graham


David Melding








The Presiding Officer declared David Melding elected as Deputy Presiding Officer.


The Deputy Presiding Officer made a brief speech.