Consultation display

Inquiry into the development of post-16 Welsh language provision

Purpose of the consultation

The Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee is undertaking a one-day inquiry on the development of post-16 Welsh language provision.


Terms of reference

The Committee is seeking your views on issues such as:



>>>Whether the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol and National Centre for Learning Welsh will have the capacity and resource to maintain its current work programme and provision;

>>>The extent the decision by the Welsh Government to reprioritise the additional allocation of £3.5 million earmarked for the Coleg Cymraeg and National Centre for Learning Welsh for 2024-25 will impact on future development work on post-16 Welsh language provision and Welsh language support for young people;

>>>To explore how the decision might impact on the number of young people learning Welsh, and consider the potential impact on young people choosing to undertake training and post-16 courses fully or partially through the medium of Welsh; and

>>>To understand how decisions around future funding for the development of post-16 Welsh language provision will impact the Cymraeg 2050 trajectory and targets.



The deadline for submissions is 09.00 on Monday 8 April 2024.


Providing Written Evidence

The Senedd has two official languages, Welsh and English.


In line with the Senedd’s Official Languages Scheme, the Committee welcomes contributions in both or either of our official languages, and we ask organisations that are subject to Welsh Language standards or schemes to respond in line with their own obligations. Please inform the Committee when submitting responses if you intend to provide a translation at a later date.


Please see guidance for those providing evidence for committees.


Disclosure of information

Please ensure that you have considered the Senedd’s policy on disclosure of information before submitting information to the Committee.

Supporting documents

Contact details

Should you wish to speak to someone regarding this consultation, please use the below contact details:

Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee
Welsh Parliament
Cardiff Bay
CF99 1SN

Telephone: 0300 200 6565