Development of post-16 Welsh language provision

Development of post-16 Welsh language provision

The Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee is undertaking a one-day inquiry on the development of post-16 Welsh language provision. The inquiry will focus on Welsh language provision within the further education and work-based learning sectors, and support for Welsh language learners aged 16-25. The Committee will explore how the decision to re-prioritise funding for 2024-25 will impact on the capacity of these sectors to develop provision for learners. It will also look at how the decision might impact on the long-term targets as set out in Cymraeg 2050 to increase the number of Welsh speakers.


The Committee will be considering issues that will include the following:



>>>Whether the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol and National Centre for Learning Welsh will have the capacity and resource to maintain its current work programme and provision;

>>>The extent the decision by the Welsh Government to reprioritise the additional allocation of £3.5 million earmarked for the Coleg Cymraeg and National Centre for Learning Welsh for 2024-25 will impact on future development work on post-16 Welsh language provision and Welsh language support for young people;

>>>To explore how the decision might impact on the number of young people learning Welsh, and consider the potential impact on young people choosing to undertake training and post-16 courses fully or partially through the medium of Welsh; and

>>>To understand how decisions around future funding for the development of post-16 Welsh language provision will impact the Cymraeg 2050 trajectory and targets.


Business type: Committee Inquiry

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

First published: 25/03/2024

