Diabetes - Cross Party Group

This page lists the meetings for: Diabetes - Cross Party Group


Information about Diabetes - Cross Party Group




To highlight the causes, prevention and treatment of diabetes and the support available for people living with the condition in Wales.


To provide updates on the innovation and implementation of diabetes services across health boards.


To produce reports on subjects affecting people with diabetes and to facilitate the sharing of best practice as well as identifying of areas of concern.


To facilitate better partnership and collaboration with:


>>>diabetes support organisations, experts and individuals across Wales

>>>voluntary organisations advocating for health conditions with a close link to diabetes

>>>voluntary organisations looking to promote a healthy living agenda

To highlight new research and expertise on diabetes and related subjects.



To provide a concise and authoritative forum to enable Senedd Members to learn of the key issues of people with diabetes living in the communities they represent.


To provide an open forum for members to raise issues and explore collaborative work.





Chair: Vacant

Secretary: Mathew Norman





Cross-Party Group Documentation