Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 4 - Tŷ Hywel. View directions

Contact: Lleu Williams 


Senedd.TV: View the webcast

Transcript: Transcript for 15/02/2023 - Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee

Expected timing No. Item



Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest


1.1 The Chair welcomed Members to the meeting of the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee.


1.2 Apologies were received from Carolyn Thomas MS, Jenny Rathbone MS substituted.



Allegations surrounding the Welsh Rugby Union: Evidence session with Sport Wales

Tanni GreyThompson, Chair

Brian Davies, Acting Chief Executive Officer


Research brief

Letter from the Welsh Rugby Union with additional information following the evidence session on 2 February

Additional information from the Welsh Rugby Union following the evidence session on 2 February

Supporting documents:


2.1 The Committee heard evidence from representatives of Sport Wales.


2.2 At 10.23 the Committee and the witnesses agreed to extend the evidence session where it concluded at 10.41.



Papers to note


3.1 The papers were noted.


Letter from Cricket Wales to the Chair of the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee regarding the allegations surrounding the Welsh Rugby Union

Supporting documents:



Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public from the remainder of this meeting


4.1 The Motion was agreed.



Private debrief

Discussion paper

Supporting documents:


6.1 The Committee considered the evidence received.



Ministerial scrutiny: Consideration of draft correspondence

Supporting documents:


7.1 The Committee considered and agreed the correspondence as drafted.



Welsh in Education Strategic Plans (WESPS): Consideration of additional written evidence

Implications of the Census data for the legislative framework that supports Welsh-Medium Education Provision consultation responses

Engagement summary

Research brief

Information on capital funding for education

Draft Report


Supporting documents:


5.1 The Committee welcomed Buffy Williams and Sioned Williams as members of the committee for proceedings on the inquiry into the legislative framework that supports Welsh-Medium Education Provision.


5.2 The Committee considered additional evidence and papers received.


5.3 The Committee considered the draft report and agreed to discuss further details on the draft report outside of the meeting.