Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Senedd. View directions

Contact: Rhys Morgan 


Senedd.TV: View the webcast

Transcript: Transcript for 13/05/2024 - Equality and Social Justice Committee

Expected timing No. Item



Introductions, apologies, substitutions and declarations of interest


Apologies were received from Joel James.


Julie James also sent apologies and Buffy Williams attended the meeting as substitute.



Childcare follow up inquiry: Ministerial evidence session

Jayne Bryant, MS, Minister for Mental Health and Early Years

Clare Severn, Head of Early Childhood Education and Care, Childcare and Play Policy, Welsh Government

Alex Slade, Director of Primary Care, Mental Health and Early Years, Welsh Government



Early Childhood Play, Learning and Care Plan in Wales (Detailed version)


Early Childhood, Play, Learning and Care Plan in Wales (High Level Plan)

Supporting documents:


Members heard evidence from:


Jayne Bryant, MS, Minister for Mental Health and Early Years


Clare Severn, Head of Early Childhood Education and Care, Childcare and Play Policy, Welsh Government


Alex Slade, Director of Primary Care, Mental Health and Early Years, Welsh Government







Papers to note


Members noted the papers.


Correspondence from the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice and Culture to the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee regarding Inter-Institutional Relations Agreement: Safety, Security and Migration Interministerial Group

Supporting documents:


Correspondence from the Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee to the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice and Culture regarding general Ministerial scrutiny

Supporting documents:


Correspondence from the Cabinet Secretary for Social Justice and Culture to the Chair regarding the report of the Equality and Social Justice Committee – Actions, not Words: towards an anti-racist Wales by 2030

Supporting documents:


Correspondence from the Cabinet Secretary for Culture and Social Justice to the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee regarding the Welsh Government's response to the Committee's report on the Legislative Consent Memorandum on the Criminal Justice Bill

Supporting documents:



Motion under SO17.42 (vi) to exclude the public from the remainder of today's meeting


Members agreed the motion.



Childcare follow up inquiry: consideration of evidence


Members considered the evidence.



Governance of Fire and Rescue Services: consideration of draft report

Supporting documents:


Members considered the draft report.