Inter-Institutional Relations Agreement

Inter-Institutional Relations Agreement

The Inter-Institutional Relations Agreement (PDF 337KB) (the Agreement), which was laid before the Senedd on 18 November 2021 and debated in Plenary on 15 December 2021, represents the agreed position of the Senedd and the Welsh Government on the information that the Welsh Government will, where appropriate, provide to the Senedd with regard to its own participation in formal, ministerial level inter-governmental meetings, concordats, agreements, common frameworks and memorandums of understanding.


The updated version of the Agreement was formally agreed by the Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee (the Committee) on 1 November 2021 following negotiations between the Committee and the Welsh Government.


Correspondence and documents that can be found on this page have been shared with the Senedd in accordance with the Agreement.




The updated Agreement follows the work of the Fifth Senedd’s Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee (the Fifth Senedd Committee), which published a report on UK governance post-Brexit in February 2018. Recommendation 9 of that report stated:


“We recommend that the Welsh Government enters into an intergovernmental relations agreement with this Committee to support the scrutiny of Welsh Government activity in this area.”


The Fifth Senedd Committee formally agreed the original version of the Agreement for the Fifth Senedd in January 2019.


On October 27 2020 the Welsh Government laid its first Annual Report (PDF 127KB).

Business type: Other

First published: 16/11/2021
