Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 1 - Senedd

Contact: Llinos Madeley 

Expected timing No. Item


Introductions, apologies and substitutions


1.1. Apologies were received from Elin Jones AM, Kirsty Williams AM and Darren Millar AM.

(13:00 - 14:30)


General scrutiny session with the Chief Nursing Officer

Professor Jean White, Chief Nursing Officer for Wales

Polly Ferguson, Nursing Officer Women’s Reproductive Health

Helen Whyley, Nursing Officer for Workforce, Education, Regulation and Patient safety

Supporting documents:


2.1. The Chief Nursing Officer and officials responded to questions from Committee members.


2.2. During the course of the session, the Chief Nursing Officer agreed to provide the following additional information:

·         A note detailing where reports produced by Healthcare Inspectorate Wales have had a direct impact on her work;

·         Further detail about the role of the Welsh Government’s workforce, education and development services in the workforce planning process, including information about the indicators it uses when determining workforce plans;

·         A note detailing the number of district and community nurses in Wales;

·         Further detail about the code of hygiene being developed by Public Health Wales on behalf of the Chief Nursing Officer, and confirmation of when this work will be completed.


2.3. The Chief Nursing Officer agreed to share the latest copy of the regular report she receives from the Welsh element of the UK-wide “Strengthening the commitment” initiative which relates to learning disability nursing.



Motion under Standing Order 17.42 to resolve to exclude the public for the remainder of the afternoon's business


3.1. The Committee agreed the Motion.  

(14:30 - 15:00)


Consideration of the scope of possible future inquiries into orthodontic services in Wales and the Welsh Government’s cancer delivery plan


4.1. The Committee agreed terms of reference for both inquiries and agreed to issue calls for evidence in due course.


Papers to note

Health and Social Care Committee Minutes 16 January 2014


Health and Social Care Committee Minutes 22 January 2014

Supporting documents:


5.1. The Committee noted the minutes of its two previous meetings.