Agenda and minutes

Venue: Committee Room 3 - Senedd. View directions

Contact: Alun Davidson 

Expected timing No. Item


Introductions, apologies and substitutions


1.1 Apologies were received from William Powell.  There were no substitutions.

(09.30 - 10.30)


Inquiry into energy policy and planning in Wales - Evidence on anaerobic digestion and energy from waste

Dr Sandra Esteves, Director, Wales Centre of Excellence for Anaerobic Digestion, University of Glamorgan

          E&S(4)-09-12 paper 1

Clifford Parish, Chair, Chartered Institution of Wastes Management Wales

          E&S(4)-09-12 paper 2

Supporting documents:


2.1 The witnesses responded to questions from members of the Committee on anaerobic digestion and energy from waste as part of the inquiry into energy policy and planning in Wales.

(10.30 - 11.30)


Inquiry into energy policy and planning in Wales - Evidence on biomass

Kath McNulty, National Manager for Wales, Confederation of Forest Industries (Confor)

Darren Williams, Commercial Director, Eco2

          E&S(4)-09-12 paper 3


Supporting documents:


3.1 The witnesses responded to questions from members of the Committee on biomass energy as part of the inquiry into energy policy and planning in Wales.


(11.30 - 11.45)


Draft Contaminated Land Statutory Guidance

E&S(4)-09-12 paper 5

Supporting documents:


4.1 The Committee agreed to write to the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development to recognise the concerns raised by the Chartered Institute for Environmental Health Cymru-Wales in relation to the Draft Contaminated Land Statutory Guidance.


Papers to note

Minutes of the meetings held on 9 and 22 February

          E&S(4)-07-12 minutes

          E&S(4)-08-12 minutes

Supporting documents:


5.1 The Committee noted the minutes of the meetings held on 9 and 22 February.


Inquiry into the Business Case for the Single Environmental Body - Additional information from the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development

E&S(4)-09-12 paper 4

Supporting documents:


5.2 The Committee noted the letter from the Minister for Environment and Sustainable Development.


View the meeting transcript.