
International agreements in relation to research

This page shows all documents, decisions made and meetings held which relate to this matter.

Published Related issues
TitleDate CreatedDue DateDecision MakersIssue Status
International agreements17/09/2021Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeFor consideration
International agreements in relation to diplomacy16/12/2021Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeComplete
International agreements in relation to energy16/12/2021Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeNone
International agreements in relation to education16/12/2021Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeNone
International agreements in relation to judicial co-operation16/12/2021Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeNone
International agreements in relation to marine matters16/12/2021Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeNone
International agreements in relation to security16/12/2021Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeNone
International agreements in relation to social security16/12/2021Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeNone
International agreements in relation to transport16/12/2021Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeNone
International agreements in relation to labour standards17/12/2021Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeNone
International agreements relating to defense17/12/2021Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeNone
International agreements in relation to human rights22/06/2022Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeNone
PEACE PLUS Programme 2021-202722/05/2023Legislation, Justice and Constitution Committee, Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations CommitteeNone
Council of Europe Convention on an Integrated Safety, Security and Service Approach at Football Matches and Other Sports Events27/06/2023Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee, Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeNone
British-Irish Council07/07/2023Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee, Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeNone
UK/Kenya Defence Cooperation Agreement18/08/2023Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeNone
UK/Switzerland: Convention on Social Security Coordination22/08/2023Legislation, Justice and Constitution CommitteeNone