P-04-535 Save our Fire Stations

P-04-535 Save our Fire Stations

We call upon the Welsh Government to ensure fire services throughout the country are protected from severe budget cuts which inevitably impact upon the service and response times.


Additional information: Due to severe budget cuts from the Welsh Government to local government, fire authorities are facing significant financial pressures and are being forced to reduce their budgets. We believe this will directly impact upon response times and potentially put people’s lives at risk. As the Welsh Government has ultimate responsibility for the fire service, we believe the Welsh Government should make a financial intervention in the same way it has done for the NHS to protect the fire service from budget cuts.


Petition raised by:  Jonathan Edwards


Date Petition first considered by Committee: 18 February 2014


Number of signatures: 698


Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 10/02/2014