Access to medical technologies in Wales

Access to medical technologies in Wales

The National Assembly for Wales’ Health and Social Care Committee undertook an inquiry into access to medical technologies in Wales.  


The terms of reference of the inquiry were:

  • to examine how the NHS assesses the potential benefits of new or alternative medical technologies;
  • to examine the need for, and feasibility of, a more joined up approach to commissioning in this area;
  • to examine the ways in which NHS Wales engages with those involved in the development/ manufacture of new medical technologies;
  • to examine the financial barriers that may prevent the timely adoption of effective new medical technologies, and innovative mechanisms by which these might be overcome.


These terms of reference were informed by the consultation conducted by the Committee in autumn 2012 on the scope of the inquiry. Please note that the Committee did not discuss access to medicines as part of this inquiry, only medical technologies.


Evidence from the public

The Committee held a public consultation to gather evidence on this topic.


The Committee’s report

The Committee reported (PDF, 1.35MB) in December 2014. The Welsh Government responded (PDF, 100KB) in February 2015.


Plenary debate

The Plenary debate on the Committee’s report on access to medical technologies in Wales took place on 25 February 2015.

Business type: Committee Inquiry

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 22/07/2013

