National Framework for Continuing NHS Healthcare

National Framework for Continuing NHS Healthcare

The Auditor General for Wales report on the Implementation of the National Framework for Continuing NHS Healthcare was published in June 2013.   While the report found that the framework has delivered some benefits it also highlighted that more needed to be done to ensure that people are dealt with fairly and consistently.

When assessed as having a primary health need, people are eligible for Continuing NHS Healthcare (CHC), which is a package of care and support that is provided to meet all of the assessed needs of an individual, including physical, mental health and personal care needs. CHC is often long term, although it can be episodic in nature with some people moving in and out of eligibility. When someone is eligible for CHC, the NHS has responsibility for funding the full package of health and social care.

The Auditor General for Wales report’s findings covered two areas:

  • that the Framework could be improved in a number of areas, and its impact monitored more closely; it has not been implemented fully across Wales; and full assurance is lacking that decisions are fair and consistent within and between Health Boards.
  • that there is a significant risk that the national project to deal with retrospective claims will not meet the agreed deadline and those new backlogs of retrospective claims had developed in health boards.

The Public Accounts Committee received a briefing on the report’s findings from the Auditor General for Wales at its meeting on 25 June 2013.  Arising from the issues discussed at the meeting the Committee agreed to invite evidence from Welsh Government which was provided orally and in writing.


Business type: Committee Inquiry

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 01/08/2013

Decision due: 10 Jul 2013 by Public Accounts Committee - Fourth Assembly
