Inquiry into the Council Tax Reduction Scheme Regulations

Inquiry into the Council Tax Reduction Scheme Regulations

The Constitutional and Legislative Affairs Committee has agreed to carry out a short inquiry into the handling of the Council Tax Reduction Scheme Regulations that ultimately led to the recall of the Assembly during recess.


The terms of reference for the inquiry are:

  • Why the Welsh Government was of the opinion that it could not lay the Council Tax Reduction Scheme Regulations before it had received the financial transfer from the Treasury which was eventually published in the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement on 5 December 2012.
  • The extent and nature of communications that took place between the Welsh Government and Treasury and Wales Office in order to resolve the issue.
  • What lessons may be drawn from this episode.


The Committee took evidence from the Minister for Local Government and Communities at its meeting on 4 February and will publishing their report shortly.

Business type: Committee Inquiry

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

First published: 21/05/2013
