P-06-1399 Health Education & Improvement Wales to make PMDD a mandatory CPD module in postgrad medical teaching

P-06-1399 Health Education & Improvement Wales to make PMDD a mandatory CPD module in postgrad medical teaching


This petition was submitted by Becci Smart, having collected a total of 717 signatures.


Text of Petition:                    

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) is a hormone-based mood disorder affecting 1 in 20 menstruators causing severe mental, emotional, and physical symptoms in the 2 weeks before each period with symptoms devastating each aspect of a sufferer’s life. There is no cure, only symptom management. The lacking awareness and poor education within the medical community means that sufferers frequently receive suboptimal care, waiting an average of 12 years before receiving a diagnosis, thus appropriate and safe treatment.


Additional Information:

To enable timely diagnosis and safe management for those with PMDD, requires medical professionals to have knowledge of identifying the cyclical pattern of symptoms, a current barrier throughout the healthcare system. There is no mandatory teaching on PMDD, however those wishing to specialise in menstrual disorders may opt to take a CPD module. RCPsych offer one combined module on hormones and mental health, and both RCOG and RCGP offer limited education on PMS only.

Equipping post-grad students with knowledge of PMDD will:

  • Enable them to identify early warning signs of the link between mental health and the menstrual cycle.
  • Allow students to provide support and encourage women/AFAB individuals to track their cycles when presenting in mental health crisis, noting any cyclical pattern of symptoms.
  • Ensure a timelier diagnosis.
  • Ensure all those practising have up to date knowledge of the treatment guidelines for PMDD.




Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Ogmore
  • South Wales West


Further information



Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 18/04/2024