P-06-1408 Make safe the access to the Secret Garden A4042 Goytre Fawr for both pedestrians and vehicles

P-06-1408 Make safe the access to the Secret Garden A4042 Goytre Fawr for both pedestrians and vehicles


This petition was submitted by Janet Elizabeth Butler, having collected 265 signatures online and 965 signatures on paper, making for a total of 1,230 signatures.


Text of Petition:                     

This is a popular garden centre with busy tea rooms. Access to the centre off the A4042 (50 mph here) is badly marked with two lanes north-bound reducing to one. Collisions are frequent.

Leaving the Garden Centre drivers are free to turn in either direction. Cars often come out too slowly or stall with traffic bearing down on them; another source of incidents.

There is no pedestrian access here for the people of the nearby village of Little Mill. The junction does not support Active Travel.


Additional details:

Collisions are frequent and unreported near misses more frequent. There is a catalogue of collisions here.


Yesterday 9 August two cars collided at around 5:25pm with the road closed in both directions and diversions through Little Mill. Prior to that on 4 June 2023, two cars collided at c. 7:00 am during morning rush hour causing delays in both directions. Happily no serious injuries on either occasion, just traumatised passengers and drivers. This is putting unnecessary pressure on our emergency services which are stretched enough as it is.


I feel sure road statistics will confirm just how much of a black spot this site is.


Rush hour collisions cause misery for all and extra air pollution.


Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Monmouth
  • South Wales East

Further information


Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 14/03/2024