Fire and Rescue Services

Fire and Rescue Services




In January 2024, the Equality and Social Justice Committee agreed to hold an inquiry into the governance of Fire and Rescue Services in Wales. The inquiry was prompted by public concerns at the findings of the Culture Review of South Wales Fire and Rescue Service by Fenella Morris KC which found “serious failings in policies, procedures, and systems” at the fire and rescue service.


Terms of reference


The full terms of reference for the inquiry are to examine:


>>>The extent governance arrangements contributed to the failings identified in the SWFRS culture review.

>>>The capacity and capability of FRAs to change the existing management structures and practices that have been identified as potential areas of concern, and their willingness to deliver cultural change.

>>>The failure of previous attempts at reform including exploring the barriers that prevented implementation of previous reviews, specifically the Commission of Public Service Governance and Delivery, which called for the reconstitution of FRAs?

>>>How the Welsh Government’s 2018 consultation on reform of fire and rescue services has shaped current governance arrangements and working practices. The extent to which Welsh Government acted on concerns identified through this consultation and its 2019 progress report.

>>>The changes needed to strengthen current arrangements for inspection and audit, including the role of external bodies including the Auditor General for Wales.

>>>The effectiveness of mechanisms for ensuring that evidence collected through inspections and reviews of FRSs by the Chief Fire Adviser and Inspector for Wales is used and acted upon and the arrangements for shared learning from inspections of FRSs undertaken in other UK nations, specifically in England, to inform policy.



Evidence gathering


Written evidence


The inquiry was a focused inquiry, undertaken at pace. Evidence gathering took place during Spring of 2024 in the form of a targeted consultation and oral evidence hearing. The following written responses were received:


FAR01 – Fire Officers Association (FOA)

FAR02- Mid and West Wales Fire Authority

FAR03- Fire Standards Board (FSB)

FAR04 – North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority

FAR05- Audit Wales

FAR06- Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust (WAST)

FAR07- Fire and Rescue Services Association (FRSA)

FAR08- National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC)

FAR09- Women in the Fire Service

FAR10- Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA)

FAR11 - Additional evidence from South Wales Fire and Rescue Service (SWFRS)

FAR12 - Additional evidence from Mid and West Wales Fire Service (MWWFS)


Oral evidence


The Committee heard from the following witnesses:


26 February

Hannah Blythyn, MS, Deputy Minister for Social Partnership

Dan Stephens, Chief Fire and Rescue Adviser and Inspector for Wales

Liz Lalley, Director, Risk, Resilience and Community Safety, Welsh Government

4 March

Matt Wrack, General Secretary, Fire Brigade Union (FBU)

Cerith Griffiths, Executive Council member for Wales, Fire Brigade Union (FBU)

Peter Crews, Branch Secretary (covering South Wales Fire & Rescue), UNISON

Tristan Ashby, Chief Executive Officer of the Fire and Rescue Services Association (FRSA)

Mark Hardingham, Chair, National Fire Chiefs Council (NFCC)

There was also a private briefing with the South Wales Fire Commissioners:

Vij Randeniya (former Chief Fire Officer for the West Midlands)

Baroness Wilcox of Newport (former Leader of Newport City Council)

Kirsty Williams (former Member of the Senedd and Minister for Education)

11 March

Adrian Crompton, Auditor General for Wales

Gary Emery, Audit Director, Audit Wales

Martin Peters, Head of Law and Ethics, Audit Wales

Councillor Dylan Rees, Chair of the North Wales Fire and Rescue Authority

Dawn Docx, Chief Fire Officer of the North Wales Fire and Rescue Service

Councillor Gwynfor Thomas, Chair of the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Authority

Roger Thomas, Chief Fire Officer of the Mid and West Wales Fire and Rescue Service

Councillor Steven Bradwick, former Chair of the South Wales Fire and Rescue Authority

Dewi Rose, Temporary Deputy Chief Fire Officer of the South Wales Fire and Rescue Service

18 March

Jason Killens, Chief Executive Officer, Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust (WAST)

Angela Lewis, Director of People and Culture, Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust (WAST)

22 April 2024

Julie James MS, Cabinet Secretary for Housing, Local Government and Planning

Liz Lalley, Director, Risk, Resilience and Community Safety, Welsh Government

Dan Stephens, Chief Fire & Rescue Adviser and Inspector for Wales





The Committee laid its report ‘Sound the Alarm: the Governance of Fire and Rescue Services’ on 6 June 2024.


To coincide with publication, Jenny Rathbone MS, Chair of the Equality and Social Justice Committee, said:


“Fire service staff in Wales are being let down by the leaders responsible for the governance of the fire and rescue services and we need urgent change to restore faith so all staff feel safe in the workplace.  


We were disturbed by how many people at the top of the current governance system didn’t seem to be aware of how serious the problem is.


We urge the Welsh Government to take radical steps to strengthen the efficiency and effectiveness of the governance structure – no change is not an option.” 




Business type: Committee Inquiry

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

First published: 09/02/2024

Background papers