P-06-1390 Stop all subsidies on food in the Senedd and for Welsh Government staff in general

P-06-1390 Stop all subsidies on food in the Senedd and for Welsh Government staff in general

Awaiting first consideration


This petition was submitted by David Morgan, having collected a total of 337 signatures online and 99 signatures on paper, making for a total of 436 signatures.


Text of Petition:                    

Given the recent announcement that Welsh Government is considering removing certain items from meal deals, in a bid to force the Welsh public what to eat, this petition calls for an end to subsidising food for Welsh MSs and their staff.


Why should the people of Wales have to suffer financially when those in the Senedd and Welsh Government enjoy a cheap meal?


Additional Information:

People in Wales are sick and tired of the constant infringement on our lives by the busy bodies in the Welsh Government who want to tell us what and what not to eat while they enjoy subsidised food and meals.





Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Gower
  • South Wales West


Further information


Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 25/01/2024