P-06-1374 Bring Wales in line with England by allowing landowners 60 days tent and campervan camping a year

P-06-1374 Bring Wales in line with England by allowing landowners 60 days tent and campervan camping a year

Under consideration


This petition was submitted by Andrew Richard Walton, having collected a total of 430 signatures.


Text of Petition:                    

During Covid Wales extended landowners' rights to allow tent and campervan/motor home camping from 28 days pa to 56. In 2022 it reverted to 28 days but a consultation was held around making 56 days law. A recent announcement by the Senedd put any permanent change on hold. As of July 2023 England has 60 days of permitted camping, putting Welsh landowners at a disadvantage. I urge the Senedd to look at the Town and Country Planning Order 2023 amendments and consider bringing them into Welsh law.


Additional Information:

The new amendment passed in England in July 2023 allowing landowners 60 days of up to 50 tents and campervan/motor home camping per year, subject to some new regulations: https://www.legislation.gov.uk/uksi/2023/747/article/3/made


The Senedd response that the consultation in Wales had concluded and that changes to the pop-up campsite rules would be looked at in a future update of the planning permitted rights rules:


I urge that this review is held now, and tries to be as consistent as possible with the English amendments so as not to disadvantage Welsh landowners like myself who want to diversify the use of their land in order to maintain an income in these difficult times for everyone.


Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Ceredigion
  • Mid and West Wales


Further information




Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 06/11/2023