P-06-1372 Save our fflecsi bwcabus service

P-06-1372 Save our fflecsi bwcabus service

Under consideration


This petition was submitted by Michael Iwan Morgan, having collected 1,783 signatures online, and 1,267 signatures on paper, making for a total of 3,050 signatures.


Text of Petition:                    

fflecsi Bwcabus is a fully accessible local bus service, which operates within specific areas in Wales, providing a mixture of both fixed route services and bookable journeys. fflecsi Bwcabus is designed to help people make local journeys and connections to main line bus services. A bus picks you up at your request, changing its route so that all passengers can get to where they need to go.


Additional Information:

Fflecsi bwcabus was created to replace local community bus services.

People in rural communities rely on this service to get them to doctors’ appointments, work places, for shopping and to meet up with friends.

This service is a vital part of our rural communities and for a lot of people it is their only means of getting out and about and many elderly people would be isolated if this service does not continue.


A blue bus parked on the side of the road



Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Carmarthen East and Dinefwr
  • Mid and West Wales


Further information



Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 23/10/2023