P-06-1363 Save our Fire and Rescue Service

P-06-1363 Save our Fire and Rescue Service

Under consideration


This petition was submitted by Gavin Roberts, having collected a total of 1,937 signatures.


Text of Petition:                    

North Wales Fire and Rescue along with the Fire Authority plan to downgrade Rhyl and Deeside Stations from 24hr Stations to Day staffed Stations leaving the Stations empty at night. (Option 2).


Additional Information:

Currently there are 3 Wholetime Stations in North Wales, Wrexham, Deeside and Rhyl. They are staffed 24/7. Under the current proposals Rhyl and Deeside would be downgraded to day staffed Stations, relying on on call personnel responding from home at night. The predicted delay could be as much as 8-10 minutes. In a fire every second counts and this will undoubtedly cause injuries and even deaths.


Firemen wearing protective gear sitting on the ground

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Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Aberconwy
  • North Wales


Further information


Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

First published: 04/10/2023
