P-06-1345 Make conservation management plans compulsory for scheduled monuments at risk such as Ruperra Castle

P-06-1345 Make conservation management plans compulsory for scheduled monuments at risk such as Ruperra Castle

Under consideration


This petition was submitted by Ruperra Castle Preservation Trust, having collected 7,469 signatures online and 3,111 signatures on paper, making for a total of 10,580 signatures.


Text of Petition:                    

Built in Caerphilly, 1626, Ruperra Castle is significant in Welsh history, one of only a handful of Pageant Castles left in the UK. It was home to the Morgan family and played host to Charles I, and the military in WWII. In 1941 it was gutted by fire and it is still a ruin at risk. A scheduled monument and Grade II* listed building, yet it has deteriorated through private ownership. One of the towers has fallen and without considered intervention it will deteriorate further and soon be lost…


Additional Information:

Scheduled monuments are protected to preserve archaeology and buildings so that future generations can learn from our past. Many monuments are stable, others need managing to slow or avoid the effects of natural deterioration. Cadw’s website suggests owners may find it useful to draw up a Conservation Management Plan (CMP) to guide their decisions, but it’s not a requirement. Welsh Government should make CMPs compulsory for scheduled monuments at risk, to avoid neglect and subsequent loss. This includes identifying significance, risks, and opportunities to conserve and improve the monument, so as not to damage what is special and guarantee we pass on what is valued to future generations. This will ensure monuments at risk like Ruperra Castle aren’t neglected for another 80 years. It will also help alleviate worry about losing significant parts of our precious heritage and aid our wellbeing. The community has been trying to save it for 25 years https://www.ruperracastle.wales/. 


Ruperra Castle



Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Caerphilly
  • South Wales East


Further information


Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Stage 1

First published: 20/07/2023