P-06-1317 Recognise Teaching Assistants as an important asset to schools by raising wage

P-06-1317 Recognise Teaching Assistants as an important asset to schools by raising wage

Under consideration


This petition was submitted by Caroline Hugill, having collected a total of 1,405 signatures.


Text of Petition:                    

Teaching Assistants (TA) are an extremely important part of the running of schools in Wales but are not currently recognised as this by our government when reflecting on the wage.

Additional Information:

Without Teaching Assistants, schools wouldn't be able to cater to the high number of Special Educational Needs (SEN) students. They work hard and are discriminately underpaid for the work they do. A Teaching Assistant's role is demanding, and the workload they face in current times is massive. Duties include, but are not limited to, supporting SEN students (often on a one-to-one basis), teaching groups of children and sometimes even a whole class to cover teachers, lesson planning, organising extra curricular activities, making sure that every child reaches their full potential. Sadly, as the wage is so low, this is not a job many TAs can afford to keep, and a huge number of highly skilled TAs are being forced to find other jobs. This needs to change.


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Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Ynys Môn
  • North Wales


Further information


Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 31/01/2023