Wales-Ireland relations

Wales-Ireland relations

The Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee is undertaking an inquiry into Wales-Ireland relations.


The Welsh Government’s international strategy identifies Ireland as a priority country relationship and both governments have signed a shared statement and joint action plan outlining how they will cooperate on shared policy areas.


This is the Welsh Government’s most developed strategic international relationship with another country and its government, with structured engagement mechanisms, strategic objectives and specific actions. This inquiry will give the Committee the opportunity to assess the effectiveness of this approach, and whether this model for bilateral international engagement should be used to engage with other priority countries and regions.


Terms of reference

The Committee are considering the following themes within the scope of the inquiry:


>>>Wales-Ireland relations post-Brexit

>>>Current approach to bilateral engagement between the Welsh and Irish governments and whether it is fit for purpose post-Brexit

>>>The Ireland-Wales Shared Statement and Joint Action Plan (2021-2025) as an approach to international engagement.

>>>The funding of future cooperation and collaborative projects between Ireland and Wales

>>>Priority areas for cooperation between Ireland and Wales

Opportunities in developing parliamentary relations between the Senedd and Oireachtas


Business type: Committee Inquiry

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

First published: 12/12/2022

