NDM8093 Debate on a Member's Legislative Proposal - A British Sign Language (BSL) Bill

NDM8093 Debate on a Member's Legislative Proposal - A British Sign Language (BSL) Bill

NDM8093 Mark Isherwood (North Wales)

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Notes a proposal for a Bill that would make provision to encourage the use of British Sign Language (BSL) in Wales, and improve access to education and services in BSL.

2. Notes that the purpose of the Bill would be to:

a) remove the barriers that exist for deaf people and their families in education, health, public services, support services and in the workplace;

b) strengthen the seven well-being goals of the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 as they relate to BSL;

c) work towards ensuring that deaf people who use BSL are not treated less favourably than those who speak Welsh or English;

d) ensure that deaf communities have a voice in the design and delivery of services to ensure they meet their needs;

e) establish a BSL Commissioner who will:

(i) formulate BSL standards;.

(ii) establish a BSL advisory panel;

(iii) produce reports every five years in BSL, Welsh and English on the position of BSL in that period;

(iv) provide guidance and a process for public bodies to promote and facilitate BSL in their respective domains;

f) establish a procedure for the investigation of complaints;

g) require public bodies to report on their progress in promoting and facilitating BSL through their Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 reporting cycle;

h) place a duty on the Welsh Government to prepare and publish an annual BSL report describing what Welsh Government departments have done to promote the use of BSL.

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Type: For information

First published: 08/12/2022