Gynaecological cancers

Gynaecological cancers



The Health and Social Care Committee has completed its inquiry into gynaecological cancers. We looked in particular at the experiences of women with symptoms of gynaecological cancer, how they are listened to and treated by healthcare professionals, and how services empower, care for and look after women diagnosed with a gynaecological cancer (to ensure their physical, psychological and practical needs are met).

Inquiry report


On 6 December 2023, the Health and Social Care Committee published its report, Unheard: Women’s journey through gynaecological cancer. The Committee also published a summary of the report and an accompanying media release.


On 8 March 2024, the Welsh Government laid its response to the Committee’s report.


Information about the inquiry


The Committee’s inquiry considered in particular:


>>>The information available and awareness about the risk factors for gynaecological cancers across the life course and the symptoms associated with gynaecological cancers.

>>>The barriers to securing a diagnosis, such as symptoms being dismissed or confused with other conditions.

>>>Whether women feel they are being listened to by healthcare professionals and their symptoms taken seriously.

>>>HPV vaccination and access to timely screening services including consideration of the inequalities and barriers that exist in uptake among different groups of women and girls.

>>>NHS recovery of screening and diagnostic services, specifically the level of extra capacity that has been provided for services to recover from the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.

>>>The prioritisation of pathways for gynaecological cancers as part of NHS recovery, including how gynaecological cancer waiting lists compare to other cancers and other specialities.

>>>Whether there are local disparities in gynaecological cancer backlogs (addressing inequalities so that access to gynaecological cancer care and treatment is not dependent on where women live).

>>>The extent to which data is disaggregated by cancer type (as opposed to pooling all gynaecological cancers together) and by other characteristics such as ethnicity.

>>>Whether adequate priority is given to gynaecological cancers in the forthcoming Welsh Government/NHS Wales action plans on women and girls’ health and cancer, including details of who is responsible for the leadership and innovation needed to improve cancer survival rates for women.

>>>The extent to which gynaecological cancers, and their causes and treatments (including side-effects), are under-researched; and the action needed to speed up health research and medical breakthroughs in diagnosing and treating gynaecological cancers.

>>>The priority given to planning for new innovations (therapy, drugs, tests) that can improve outcomes and survival rates for women.



To explore these issues, the Committee;


>>>Issued a written call for evidence between 28 October 2022 and 17 March 2023.  We received 19 responses.

>>>Held oral evidence sessions with key stakeholders on 27 April, 10 May, 14 June and 29 June 2023.

>>>Held an oral evidence session with the Minister for Health and Social Services on 21 September 2023.

>>>Worked with Tenovus Cancer Care to ensure women’s voices were at the heart of the inquiry. Our Citizen Engagement Team has recorded a series of video interviews giving women the chance to tell their stories. You can read more about their stories and watch the videos on the Senedd blog.

>>> Conducted interviews with women with lived experience of gynaecological cancers. You can read about those interviews in the engagement findings report.



Help and support


Tenovus Cancer Care

If you’re worried or have questions about cancer, or would like to access our services, please call our free Support Line on 0808 808 1010.



Jo's Cervical Cancer Trust

If you have a question, want reliable information or just need to hear a friendly voice our free helpline is here for you. Call us on 0808 802 8000.



Target Ovarian Cancer

When you need information, friendly support or someone to talk to that understands – call our specialist nurses on 020 7923 5475. Our support line is open Monday-Friday 9-5pm.



Macmillan Cancer Support

If you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with cancer, we're here to help. Call us on 0808 808 00 00 8am to 8pm. It's free to call from landlines and mobiles within the UK.



Eve Appeal

If you're worried about any unusual symptoms you've been having, you've just been diagnosed and want to talk to a trained gynae specialist nurse, or are worried about a friend or relative who has been diagnosed, The Eve Appeal is on hand to answer questions and concerns. Call on 0808 802 0019. It’s free to call from landlines and mobile phones.



Business type: Committee Inquiry

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

First published: 04/11/2022

