Young people with speech, language and communication needs

Young people with speech, language and communication needs



Previous research suggests that young people who have offended are more likely than their peers to have speech, language and communication needs (SLCN). Having SLCN means that a young person can find it more difficult to express themselves and to understand others. Research in this area is difficult but is key to inform commissioning and policy decisions.


As part of a series of short, one-day inquiries looking at experiences in the criminal justice system, the Equality and Social Justice Committee explored the extent of speech, language and communication needs amongst young people who have offended, or are at risk of offending in Wales.


Terms of reference


The terms of reference for the inquiry were to:


  • Add to the evidence base on the prevalence and impact of speech, language and communication needs among young people involved in the youth justice system in Wales.
  • Consider the effectiveness of existing policies and interventions to support young people in the youth justice system with communication difficulties, including how young people are identified and assessed for speech, language and communication needs.
  • Help further understanding of what other interventions are needed to support young people in the youth justice system with their communication and language skills.
  • Increase awareness of the prevalence and nature of young people’s communication needs amongst professionals and policy makers including, Welsh Government, Health Boards, youth justice practitioners, police officers, magistrates and teachers.


Evidence gathering


The Committee has finished taking evidence. More information can be found under the meetings tab at the top of the page. 




The Committee laid its report “60% - Giving them a voice” (PDF 545KB) on Wednesday 19 April 2023.


Following publication, Chair of the Committee, Jenny Rathbone MS, stated:


“This over-representation of young people with communication challenges getting dragged into the criminal justice system is deeply worrying.


Compare this 60% with just 10 per cent of young people in the general population  and it is obvious we have a serious issue to be tackled. This report is aimed squarely at giving a voice to these young people.”


Welsh Government Response


The Committee received a response from the Welsh Government on 7 June 2023.


A debate was held in Plenary on 28 June 2023.

Business type: Committee Inquiry

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

First published: 05/04/2022