P-06-1196 The inauguration of an Honorary National System of Awards; The Cymru Knighthood Award

P-06-1196 The inauguration of an Honorary National System of Awards; The Cymru Knighthood Award



This petition was submitted by Neil App Jones, having collected a total of 84 signatures.


Text of Petition:                     

We the Welsh public dearly wish to bring Dignity to our Nation's Achievers


It is a sheer tragedy that so many of our Nations' achievers lie buried, forgotten and uncelebrated in graves around the World.... throughout our proud and long history


Long it has been my wish to honour these beautiful souls, here in Cymru who have passed into history and who's hearts must have been broken knowing that they did not get their true recognition in........ "The Land of Our Mothers & Fathers".


Additional Information:

I would never have accepted any Award associated with the "British Empire" in the United Kingdom's National Honorary system of Awards; Michael Sheen, to his great credit, has made history and helped to unchain the people of Cymru with his significant and gallant actions


It has hurt me deeply that our Government here in Cymru has not wished to raise the profile and honour our Nation's many brilliant and worthy minds, whilst they have lived amongst us; I have been heartbroken for the forgotten many


The St David's Awards was a start but we need to bring greater kudos to who we are as a Nation, after-all we are the people who brought into the World, the tales of King Arthur and his Knights; let us round the equation and bring accountability, decency, dignity & respect to our lost & achievers


We as a Nation of people should all come together as one, to pull together, to reach out, to dignify these lost souls of Cymru. Let us do this now before another icon passes into heaven uncelebrated & unloved.


yellow and white star illustration




This petition was considered completed by the Petitions Committee at its meeting on 04/10/2021.


The Committee noted the current award programme of the St David Awards and agreed to thank the petitioner and close the petition. In closing the petition, Members also agreed to write to the First Minister in order to highlight the petition and ask what the St. David Awards is doing to remember figures from Welsh history.


Full details of the consideration of this petition by the Committee and related documents can be seen on the Meetings tab above.

It was first considered by the Petitions Committee on 04/10/2021.


Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Gower
  • South Wales West


Further information




Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 24/09/2021