COVID-19 and its impact on matters relating to the Public Accounts and Public Administration Committee’s remit

COVID-19 and its impact on matters relating to the Public Accounts and Public Administration Committee’s remit

The Fifth Senedd Public Accounts Committee undertook an inquiry into the COVID-19 outbreak in Wales during summer and autumn 2020. The inquiry considered the impact of coronavirus, and the response to it, on the following areas:

  • The economic impact of COVID-19 (cross referenced to the inquiry on Welsh Government Financial Support for Business);
  • COVID-19: impacts for the Welsh Government’s Education and Public Services Group;
  • The Welsh Government’s response to COVID-19;
  • Impact on Health, Education and Local Government; and
  • Impact on the Senedd Commission.


During spring 2021, the Auditor General for Wales published a number of reports related to the pandemic which the Public Accounts and Public Administration Committee considered and discussed in evidence sessions with the Welsh Government.


The Committee has now concluded its considerations on this area of work.

Business type: Other

First published: 05/08/2021
