Cardiff Airport

Cardiff Airport

In March 2016, the Fourth Assembly Public Accounts Committee undertook and published a Report into the Welsh Government’s acquisition of Cardiff Airport.


The Fifth Senedd Public Accounts Committee considered the Welsh Government’s response to the Report in autumn 2016 and undertook regular evidence sessions with both the Welsh Government and Cardiff Airport.


The predecessor Committee recommended, in its Legacy Report, that its successor Committee prioritises scrutiny of the Welsh Government’s ownership of, and financial support offered to, Cardiff Airport in light of the outbreak of, and recovery from, Covid-19.


The Public Accounts & Public Administration Committee held evidence sessions with Cardiff Airport  and Welsh Government on 3 November 2021 and agreed to maintain regular monitoring.


The Committee conducted a further evidence session with Cardiff Airport and the Welsh Government on 26 June 2022.


The Committee held an evidence session with officials from Cardiff Airport and the Welsh Government on 22 June 2023.


The Committee subsequently wrote to the Welsh Government to follow-up on a number of matters further to the session. The Welsh Government responded on 15 September to provide the Committee with an update and additional information.


On 26 October the Welsh Government wrote to the Committee to advise that the Deputy Minister for Climate Change had issued a Written Statement on Next Generation Security Scanners.


The Welsh Government provided  a six-monthly update on Cardiff Airport on 14 November 2023 in accordance with their agreement with the Committee.


The next evidence session with the Welsh Government will be held on 27 June 2024.


Business type: Other

First published: 05/08/2021
