P-06-1175 Stop firebreaks during half terms. These are the only breaks teaching staff are permitted to have

P-06-1175 Stop firebreaks during half terms. These are the only breaks teaching staff are permitted to have

Under consideration


This petition was submitted Lorraine Robinson, having collected a total of 52 signatures.


Text of Petition:                     

We have already had one firebreak during half term and teaching staff in Wales were unable to go anywhere or do anything. We cannot just book a week or two off work when we want, they have to be during the school holidays only. It is only fair that teaching staff and the children can go and enjoy their break for all their hard work during term times, just like we could if we had a choice of holiday. Allow children, staff, parents the freedom to enjoy valuable time together doing what they want.




Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Vale of Clwyd
  • North Wales


Further information

Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 06/09/2021