Oversight of Audit Wales

Oversight of Audit Wales

Audit Wales is the trademark of two legal entities under the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2013: the Auditor General for Wales and the Wales Audit Office.



>>>The Auditor General audits and reports on Welsh public bodies.

>>>The Wales Audit Office provides staff and other resources for the Auditor General’s work, and monitors and advises the Auditor General.



Under Standing Orders 18.10 and 18.11 and relevant sections of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2013, the Finance Committee’s responsibilities include consideration of the Wales Audit Office and the Auditor General for Wales annual estimate of income and expenses as well as any other use of resources by them, in addition to advising their independent auditors. The committee’s responsibilities also include overseeing of the appointment and removal of office of the Auditor General and the board of the Wales Audit Office, as well as considering their Annual Plans, Fee Schemes, Annual Reports and other related reports.

Documents in relation to the Finance Committee’s responsibilities in these areas for this Senedd term (Sixth Senedd) can be found below, and for the Fifth Senedd term, via the following link: (5th Senedd documents)


Finance Committee report: Appointment of the Non-Executive Members and Chair of the Wales Audit Office - January 2023


The Finance Committee of the Fifth Senedd undertook post-legislative scrutiny of the Public Audit (Wales) Act 2013 and published its report in December 2019.


The report agreed to consult on a Draft Bill, with a view to introducing it during the Fifth Senedd. Given the limited time remaining in the Fifth Senedd, the Committee was unable to introduce a Draft Bill but it did report on the outcome of the consultation. (PDF 900KB)


Documents that the Committee receives during this Senedd term in relation to this work, will be published to the original ‘Draft Public Audit (Amendment) (Wales) Bill’ inquiry webpage.

Business type: Budget Scrutiny

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

First published: 16/07/2021
