Nomination of the First Minister

Nomination of the First Minister

Nominations for the appointment of First Minister can take place during the first Plenary meeting after an election or at any subsequent Plenary meeting, subject to the Senedd resolving to do so. The Senedd will be invited by the Presiding Officer to agree that nominations take place. If any Member objects, an electronic vote will be called. Nomination proceedings will only take place if a majority of Members voting agree.

The Presiding Officer will announce the result of the nomination process to the Senedd. The Presiding Officer will recommend to Her Majesty that the Member nominated by the Senedd be appointed as First Minister.

The full procedure for the nomination of the First Minister is explained in detail in Section D of the Guide to early Plenary business after the May 2021 election (PDF, 175KB).

Business type: Early Business

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 04/06/2021