NDM7683 Welsh Conservatives Debate - The Future of Wales

NDM7683 Welsh Conservatives Debate - The Future of Wales

NDM7683 Mark Isherwood (North Wales)

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Regrets that successive Labour-led Welsh Governments have failed to improve the life chances of the people of Wales.

2. Recognises the admission of the Deputy Minister for Economy and Transport that “We don’t know what we’re doing on the economy”.

3. Notes that the Minister for Health and Social Services said that it would be “foolish” to have a plan for backlogs before the pandemic is over.

4. Further notes that the former First Minister also admitted that Labour had taken “its eye off the ball” on education.

5. Acknowledges that to rebuild Wales, we need a change of direction and a new government on the 6 May 2021, that will deliver a recovery plan for Wales, which includes:

a) creating 65,000 new jobs, with at least 15,000 green jobs;

b) tackling the backlog of waiting times in Wales;

c) ending the underfunding of our young people;

d) building the infrastructure Wales needs including the M4 relief road plus upgrades to the A40 and A55;

e) supporting people with the cost of living by freezing council tax for two years;

f) putting Wales onto the path to net zero by 2050.

BBC News - Theresa May claims Welsh Labour betrayed generation of children - 18 May 2018

BBC News - Labour minister: 'We don't know what we're doing on economy' - 25 June 2019

BBC News - Covid: Cancer delays 'could cause 2,000 deaths in Wales' - 9 November 2020


The following amendments have been tabled:

Amendment 1 Rebecca Evans (Gower)

Delete all and replace with:

To propose that the Senedd:

1. Recognises that in the face of unprecedented challenges of austerity, Brexit, climate change and Covid-19, the Welsh Government has:

a)  Established the Development Bank of Wales, secured more than 100,000 all-age apprenticeships and provided unrivalled business rates relief including over £580m in permanent relief for small businesses;

b) Introduced the New Treatment Fund, making newly-approved treatments available in the NHS in an average of 13 days;

c) Improved PISA results in all three domains and developed a radical new curriculum for our schools;

d) Declared a climate change emergency and set Wales’s first legally binding target to achieve net zero emissions;

e) Built 20,000 new homes and strengthened the rights of renters.

2. Notes the full achievements are set out in the Welsh Government’s Annual Report.

Programme for Government Annual Report


Amendment 2 Sian Gwenllian (Arfon)

Add as new points at end of motion:

Believes that Wales will only fully recover by electing a new government that will let the people of Wales, not Westminster, decide on our future.

Believes that Wales needs a change of direction through allowing the people of Wales to have their say on whether Wales should become an independent country by holding an independence referendum during the next Senedd term.


Amendment 3 Sian Gwenllian (Arfon)

Add as new point at end of motion:

Believes that, in order to rebuild Wales, the next Senedd should have powers over matters currently reserved to Westminster, including policing and justice, rail, welfare, broadcasting, energy projects, and the Crown Estate.


Type: For information

First published: 15/06/2021