P-05-1131 Immediate cessation of dredging operations off the Gower coast pending evaluation of adverse effects

P-05-1131 Immediate cessation of dredging operations off the Gower coast pending evaluation of adverse effects



P-05-1131 Immediate cessation of dredging operations off the Gower coast pending evaluation of adverse effects


This petition was submitted by Kerry Lord, having collected a total of 63 signatures.


Text of Petition:                     

Subsequent to the start of dredging operations in Rhossili Bay, there has been a substantial and severe depletion of sand on the adjacent Rhossili beach. This internationally-important area includes associated dune systems which will also be adversely affected by sand depletion. We call on the Welsh Government to effect an immediate cessation of dredging operations pending a scientific review of the sand depletion and its possible causes in order to avoid permanent damage and habitat loss.


Additional Information:

Anecdotal evidence shows that despite relatively benign weather conditions over the summer 2020 season thus far, sand levels at Rhossili beach have suffered severe depletion. There also appears to be significantly increased numbers of mollusc shell remains (cockle, mussel, razor clam, oyster, etc.) as well as a vast increase in numbers of starfish casualties. With the impending autumn and winter storm season, the situation may become catastrophic for the extremely fragile ecosystems which depend on the presence of natural sand deposits. Whilst it may be coincidental that dredging operations have occurred at the same time as unusually high sand depletion at Rhossili, it is vital that dredging operations are put on immediate hold in order that an official scientific study has the opportunity to evaluate probable causes.





This petition was considered completed by the Petitions Committee at its meeting on 02/03/2021.


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and agreed to provide the further information received from the petitioner to the Marine Licensing Team at NRW and request that they look into the observations made and to liaise directly with the petitioner.


As monitoring and enforcement is the role of NRW is the Committee agreed that there is little further action that the Committee could take beyond that and therefore agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner.


Full details of the consideration of this petitions by the committee and related documents can be seen on the Meetings tab above.

It was first considered by the Petitions Committee on 02/03/2021.


Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Gower
  • South Wales West


Further information



Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 22/02/2021