P-05-1125 Petitions with more than 5,000 signatures should be debated not just considered for debate

P-05-1125 Petitions with more than 5,000 signatures should be debated not just considered for debate



P-05-1125 Petitions with more than 5,000 signatures should be debated not just considered for debate


This petition was submitted by Martin Obbard, having collected a total of 69 signatures.


Text of Petition:                     

If you have a petition which is supported by 5000 or more the Senedd does not have to debate it, it’s only ‘considered’ for debate.


The whole reason for petitions is to put across the public voice. Currently if a petition is strongly supported with more than 5000 it is ‘considered‘ only for debate.


As it’s clear a petition with this amount of support is in the public interest, I believe it should always be debated to ensure the view of the people is taken into account.


A person writing on a piece of paper

Description automatically generated with medium confidence




This petition was considered completed by the Petitions Committee at its meeting on 02/03/2021.


The Committee considered the petition for the first time and, in light of the imminent end of this Senedd, to consider this issue as part of their legacy work and recommendations for the Sixth Senedd, close the petition and thank the petitioner.


Full details of the consideration of this petitions by the committee and related documents can be seen on the Meetings tab above.

It was first considered by the Petitions Committee on 02/03/2021.


Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Montgomeryshire
  • Mid and West Wales


Further information




Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 24/02/2021