P-04-380 Bring back our bus! Petition against the removal of scheduled bus services from east Lampeter, Cwmann & Pencarreg

P-04-380 Bring back our bus! Petition against the removal of scheduled bus services from east Lampeter, Cwmann & Pencarreg

P-04-380 Bring Back our Bus! Petition against the Removal of Scheduled Bus Services from East Lampeter, Cwmann and Pencarreg

Petition wording:

We request the urgent implementation of a properly scheduled & timetabled bus service in these affected areas & would urge those governmental agencies concerned, to commit to this on our behalf, at the earliest possible opportunity.


Supporting information:  On February 27th 2012, Arriva began operating as a solely commercial enterprise, ending their subsidies from local County Council & Welsh Assembly and running their operations on an ‘express service’ as opposed to the previous ‘hail & ride’ one, which is essential in these very rural areas..

The company rerouted the former X40 service, bypassing east Lampeter, Cwmann & Pencarreg., thereby denying access to essential services like G.P. Dentist, Post Offices& shops, curtailing the ability of people, to exercise their freedom of movement, insofar as access to the above services is concerned.

The removal of regularly scheduled bus services has also had an extremely detrimental effect on the ability of all sectors of our communities to go about their normal daily lives. The evident disregard for peoples’ safety cannot be emphasised enough because people are now trying to walk unpaved & unlit roads, populated by fast traffic & juggernauts. .

Carmarthenshire & Ceredigion County Councils are trying to extend the implemented ‘Bycabus’ scheme, a predominantly pre-booked service, which has proven limited availability and which is currently operating in an economically unsustainable and environmentally inefficient way.

As it is Welsh Assembly and local County Councils who agreed to implement these transport changes, they are responsible under their duty of care to

the people in Wales, especially the elderly and otherwise vulnerable, who are currently having their independence taken away from them and who are in danger of becoming increasingly isolated. Lack of an adequate bus service will also affect the economic, social & welfare aspects of peoples’ lives.


Petition raised by: Sharon McNamara


Date petition first considered by Committee: 27 March 2012


Number of signatures: 505 (479 on paper and 26 on website)


Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

First published: 07/04/2014