P-04-366 Closure of Aberystwyth Day Centre

P-04-366 Closure of Aberystwyth Day Centre

Petition wording:

We the undersigned call on the Welsh Government to consider if proposals for day care for the vulnerable elderly, to be moved from a purpose built, thirty year old Day Centre, to an unsuitable basement in an old building, previously used as the Town Hall Aberystwyth, are compliant with statutory requirements, and any relevant guidance. The County Council are planning to demolish the Centre as part of a development to build a car park, a supermarket and a retail outlet.


Lead petitioner:

Pamela Ellis


Number of signatures:

10 (An associated petition collected approximately 6,000 signatures)

Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 07/04/2014