P-05-1062 Abandon the rt-PCR test for covid-19 testing as its unfit for purpose

P-05-1062 Abandon the rt-PCR test for covid-19 testing as its unfit for purpose



This petition was submitted by Robert O'Shea having collected a total of 96 signatures.


Text of Petition:                     

It has come to light that the NHS only used 35x amplification on PCR testing prior to the alleged pandemic. But now the NHS are using 45x amplification and the amount of false positives increases dramatically. This is utterly absurd! The PCR is not testing for a novel coronavirus - it is testing for the subjects nonspecific endogenous cellular exudation! RNA particles. End the case-demic now and cease all swob rt-PCR now.


Additional Information:

At 45x amplification it is clear to those who independently research and have an academic science background that the PCR test is being used to cause fear and hard-hitting headlines.







This petition was considered completed by the Petitions Committee at its meeting on 13/09/2021.


The Committee considered the correspondence received and agreed to note that the Welsh Government has provided its rationale for using RT-PCR tests and agreed to close the petition and thank the petitioner.


Full details of the consideration of this petition by the Committee and related documents can be seen on the Meetings tab above.

It was first considered by the Petitions Committee on 15/12/2020.


Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Pontypridd
  • South Wales Central


Further information




Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: For consideration

First published: 26/11/2020