Inquiry into international connectivity through Welsh ports and airports

Inquiry into international connectivity through Welsh ports and airports

The Enterprise and Business Committee undertook an inquiry into international connectivity through Welsh ports and airports. The terms of reference for the inquiry were:


  • how important are major Welsh ports and airports, both to the economy of their own regions and to Wales as a whole?
  • what factors limit realisation of the potential offered by major Welsh ports and airports; what opportunities are available to develop this potential; and how can these be realised?
  • how effectively do Welsh Government policies support the development of major Welsh ports and airports?


Key issues

The Committee considered the following issues as part of the inquiry:


  • what role do the Welsh Government and local authorities play in facilitating the development of Welsh ports and airports?
  • what factors have contributed to the decline in business through Cardiff Airport?
  • how effectively does Welsh Government policy, primarily in the areas of transport, economic development, and land use planning policy, support the development of Welsh ports and airports?
  • how can the Welsh Government develop economic opportunities, for example from tourism, international trade, freight and, in the case of ports, opportunities including the energy and renewable energy industries? What role do ports and airports, particularly Cardiff Airport, play in the key sectors identified by the Welsh Government?
  • how effective is Welsh transport infrastructure and interconnectivity in supporting the development of Welsh ports and airports?
  • given that ports and airports policy is a reserved matter, how effectively does the Welsh Government engage with the UK Government in the interests of Wales?
  • what impact do EU State Aid regulations have on the ability of the Welsh Government to provide support, and what opportunities are presented by EU ports and airports policy to support development in Wales?

Business type: Committee Inquiry

Status: Complete

First published: 12/02/2014

