P-05-1034 Re-open theatres and performance venues in Wales in time for the festive season

P-05-1034 Re-open theatres and performance venues in Wales in time for the festive season



P-05-1034 Re-open theatres and performance venues in Wales in time for the festive season


This petition was submitted by Jacob Dyer having collected a total of 157 signatures.


Text of Petition:                     

Most UK regional theatres will bring in more income during the 'festive' period then at any other time of year. Time is rapidly running out for theatres to be informed that they can open in time for this period. Whilst many of the high profile venues in Wales have already postponed their Christmas productions, there are still hundreds that will be able to safely produce and perform theatre if given enough warning that they can open.


This issue must be debated and resolved promptly.


Additional Information:

Welsh theatres are closed with no information available on when this might change. Currently pubs and restaurants may open with socially distanced tables, gyms may open with social distancing between users, places of worship may open with socially distanced congregations. Yet theatres cannot.


If allowed to open, theatres can sell seats adhering to all social distancing rules, either individual seats or in family groups (just like booking a table at a restaurant). Theatres are already set up for track and trace as they are already ticketed venues. Audiences can be asked to wear masks, performances can be shortened with no intervals to alleviate queuing etc.


All of these measures can be taken to ensure that audiences, performers and staff are safe, but theatre cannot just be turned on like a tap. We need plenty of warning that we will be allowed to open in order to rehearse, plan, build, rig and work safely.


I urge Welsh Government to make the opening of Welsh theatres a priority.


A picture of a live performance and a crowd

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This petition was considered completed by the Petitions Committee at its meeting on 03/11/2020.


The Committee noted the petition and the Minister’s response to it. It concluded that the circumstances in relation to the measures in place to control the virus have unfortunately changed since the petition was submitted and there is now little realistic prospect of venues being able to open for festive performances. Therefore the Committee agreed to close the petition.

In doing so, members wished to write back to the Welsh Government to note the importance of allowing such venues to reopen quickly when the circumstances allow it.


Full details of the consideration of this petitions by the committee and related documents can be seen on the Meetings tab above.

It was first considered by the Petitions Committee on 03/11/2020.



Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Preseli Pembrokeshire
  • Mid and West Wales


Further information



Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 15/10/2020