P-05-999 Implement a minimum of 1 metre social distancing in all Primary Schools in September 2020

P-05-999 Implement a minimum of 1 metre social distancing in all Primary Schools in September 2020



P-05-999 Implement a minimum of 1 metre social distancing in all Primary Schools in September 2020


This petition was submitted by Laura Denise Keighan having collected a total of 124 signatures.


Text of Petition:                     

Protect our Children, Protect our NHS.

It is no secret that every winter our NHS struggles from winter pressures including seasonal flu, filling UK hospitals full to capacity. Each year our news channels/feeds are full with stories of these pressures. A surge in coronovirus cases would put additional pressures on the NHS potentially taking it to breaking point. Despite this our WG plan to return our children to school without social distancing measures to protect them.


Additional Information

Evidence tells us that children need a level of normality to prevent mental health issues and ensure healthy lifestyles. Taking this on board but keeping the risks to our children & the NHS in mind I urge the WG to reconsider its proposal & consider a mixture of formal home schooling via distance learning along with the continuation of a “bubble model” which allows for social distancing. This would allow children to return to school on a part time basis while undertaking formal full time studies. I propose this method continue until the spring term when the annual period of winter pressures has passed.





This petition was considered completed by the Petitions Committee at its meeting on 17/11/2020.


The Committee considered an update on the petition and, in light of all correspondence received to date and the absence of further recent contact from the petitioner, agreed to close the petition.


Full details of the consideration of this petitions by the committee and related documents can be seen on the Meetings tab above.

It was first considered by the Petitions Committee on 15/09/2020.



Senedd Constituency and Region

  • Bridgend
  • South Wales West


Further information



Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 24/08/2020