NDM7144 Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv) - Tackling LGBT Hate Crime

NDM7144 Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv) - Tackling LGBT Hate Crime

NDM7144 Sian Gwenllian (Arfon)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Calls on the Welsh Government to provide a progress report on its work to tackle LGBT hate crime in Wales.

2. Calls for the devolution of justice to ensure an integrated approach to tackling LGBT hate crime and protect LGBT people in Wales.

3. Calls on the Welsh Government to outline its proposals on how the creation of a devolved Welsh justice system could promote the safety and wellbeing of LGBT people.


Leanne Wood (Rhondda)
Mick Antoniw (Pontypridd)


Business type: Debate

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 07/06/2021

Decision due: 23 Oct 2019 by Plenary - Fifth Senedd

Lead member: Siân Gwenllian MS