NDM7102 Debate on a Member’s Legislative Proposal - Health Service Management

NDM7102 Debate on a Member’s Legislative Proposal - Health Service Management

NDM7102 Helen Mary Jones (Mid and West Wales)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Notes a proposal for a Bill on health service management.

2. Notes that the purpose of the Bill would be:

a) to establish a professional body for NHS managers in Wales to set core professional competencies for managers at all levels, ensure the development of appropriate initial training programmes and continuous professional development, and with the power to take sanctions against managers for poor or unsafe performance;

b)  to ensure true independence of Healthcare Inspectorate Wales;

c)  to establish a legal duty of candour to apply to all health professionals including managers; and

d)  to establish a genuine, robust and transparent complaints system that supports parents and families.


Business type: Debate

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 08/06/2021

Decision due: 3 Jul 2019 by Plenary - Fifth Senedd