P-05-808 Welsh should not be compulsory for Children with Dyslexia and Special Needs

P-05-808 Welsh should not be compulsory for Children with Dyslexia and Special Needs

Completed Petition


This petition was submitted by Jessica Fox having collected 81 signatures.


Text of Petition

Like many other children in the UK my son is Dyslexic. English writing and reading is an everyday challenge so imagine having to learn to read and write another language that you will never use. This is what living in Wales my son has to do every day. I have tried to remove him from Welsh so he can have extra English lessons but it is a legal obligation for the school to teach welsh in Wales. It's an everyday challenge for Dyslexic children living in Wales. Welsh should be a choise not compulsory.




This petition was considered completed by the Petitions Committee at its meeting on 19/03/2019.

The Committee considered correspondence from another parent but, in light of the existing powers that Headteachers have to temporarily disapply aspects of the National Curriculum - including the possibility of a temporary exemption from particular subjects, agreed to close the petition.

It was first considered by the Petitions Committee on 01/05/2018.


Assembly Constituency and Region

·         Newport East

·         South Wales East


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·         How the petitions system works







Business type: Petition

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 16/04/2018