The Assembly Commission's use of the Remuneration Board's Determination underspend

The Assembly Commission's use of the Remuneration Board's Determination underspend

The Finance Committee undertook an inquiry to establish how the Assembly Commission forecasts its budget for Remuneration Board determinations and whether the way in which the Assembly Commission provides information on the underspend is clear and transparent. The Finance Committee considered how other parliaments, within the UK and more widely, budget for expenditure related to Members’ pay and allowances to satisfy itself as to whether the way the Commission prepares its budget is the most transparent and effective way of budgeting.


Terms of reference:

  • how the Assembly Commission forecasts its budget for Remuneration Board determinations;
  • whether the way in which the Assembly Commission provides information on the underspend is clear and transparent;
  • how the Assembly Commission decides to utilises the underspend after meeting the Remuneration Board’s determinations; and
  • how other parliaments, within the UK and more widely, budget for expenditure related to Members’ pay and allowances.


The Committee published its report (PDF 729KB) on this inquiry in May 2018.


The Assembly Commission’s response (PDF, 214KB) to the Committee’s report was received on 8 June 2018.

Business type: Committee Inquiry

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 07/12/2017
