NDM6521 - Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv)

NDM6521 - Member Debate under Standing Order 11.21(iv)


Mike Hedges (Swansea East)
David Melding (South Wales Central)
Simon Thomas (Mid and West Wales)
Dawn Bowden (Merthyr Tydfil and Rhymney)

To propose that the National Assembly for Wales:

1. Recognises that cavity-wall insulation when correctly installed in suitable properties can be a cost-effective way of reducing fuel bills, thereby contributing to reductions in fuel poverty and carbon emissions.

2. Believes that there remains, however, a significant minority of installations in unsuitable properties that are not complying with standards of good workmanship, and for which seeking redress is often difficult and compensation often inadequate or not possible to obtain.

3. Urges the Welsh Government to work with the UK Government, the Cavity Insulation Guarantee Agency (CIGA) and others to provide proper redress and compensation for incorrect installation, and to strengthen consumer protection going forward.

Supported by:
Mick Antoniw (Pontypridd)
Russell George (Montgomeryshire)

Business type: Debate

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 23/11/2017

Decision due: 29 Nov 2017 by Plenary - Fifth Senedd