NDM6371 - United Kingdom Independence Party debate

NDM6371 - United Kingdom Independence Party debate

NDM6371 Neil Hamilton (Mid and West Wales)

To propose that the National Assembly:

1. Believes that Brexit:

a) enables the Welsh people to have more control over their own lives by devolving governmental powers from unelected technocrats in Brussels to Assembly Members in Cardiff and MPs at Westminster;

b) can create more prosperity for agriculture and the rural economy, by replacing the CAP with an agricultural policy tailor-made for Wales's specific needs, with special reference to conservation and environmental protection based on scientific principles and incurring proportionate cost to rural taxpayers and businesses.

2. Believes that the Welsh Government should develop other tailor made policies for rural areas within a localism agenda which empowers local people by:

a) making major planning decisions with a significant adverse impact on the quality of life, such as intrusive wind-farms, subject to local referendums;

b) making major changes to the provision of rural schools and other educational services subject to genuine local consultation;

c) facilitating more affordable rural housing; and

d) giving greater priority to the provision of NHS facilities in smaller rural towns.

Business type: Debate

Reason considered: Senedd Business;

Status: Complete

First published: 13/07/2017

Decision due: 19 Jul 2017 by Plenary - Fifth Senedd